Hey everyone! I am writing this post to announce my website will go through some changes.
New Subdomains
You might have noticed that the URL for the blog is now blog.prismatic.pink instead of prismatic.pink. I decided to branch out into different subdomains because I want to challenge myself and get a more hands-on approach to coding. I also enjoy way too many different designs and I want to be better able to express my artistic vision in different ways.
I made this decision because I wanted this blog to be responsive (a.k.a. mobile-friendly) so I could easily share my texts with people. However, designing responsive websites compromises creative freedom. I really enjoy what I did with this blog, it’s the furthest I’ve ever been with HTML and CSS (and my hubby helped me a lot with JS and PHP). It’s also managed with WordPress, a very convenient solution for blogging. I can say that it’s 90% hand-coded (I just got the PHP functions from a pre-made layout).
Prismatic.pink is under construction right now, but soon it will be the main page. I will add the webrings, listings, and creative stuff in general. I also want a separate subdomain for pixel art, but I haven’t started yet.
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